Friday, January 02, 2009

The current scoop about big houses

Wisconsin State Website Features Skyline in Minnesota

Thu, 01 Jan 2009 23:05:34 -0800
he state of Wisconsin paid Bloomfield, Connecticut-based PCC Tecnology Group approximately $1 million dollars to develop a website relating to campaign finance reform. The problem is that the website features the Wisconsin state capitol in Madison, Wisconsin, but the web designer inserted the skyline for Minneapolis, Minnesota. I suppose it cou

Wintry Weather Plagues D.C. Roads, Travelers Nationwide|ABC 7 News (WJLA-TV Washington D.C.)

Fri, 02 Jan 2009 15:47:39 -0800
WASHINGTON - The wintry weather has claimed the life of D.C.-area woman, and stranded holiday travelers across the country.